American-Style Education
The American University in Bulgaria (AUBG) is the first American-style undergraduate liberal arts educational institution in Eastern Europe. The University is a unique cooperative venture established with the support of the U.S. and Bulgarian governments, the Open Society Institute, and the University of Maine. AUBG’s main campus is located in Blagoevgrad, a vibrant regional economic and cultural center just 100 kilometers south of the Bulgarian capital, Sofia. A Bachelor of Arts degree is awarded in: American Studies, Business Administration, Computer Science, Economics, European Studies, History, Information Systems, Journalism and Mass Communications, Literature, Mathematics, Political Science and International Relations, and also a self-designed major. In Sofia, AUBG offers an Executive Master of Business Administration program. The University today has around 1000 students from over 40 countries and 86 faculty members from the U.S. and the region.

The American University in Bulgaria is a unique university in this part of the world for at least three very important reasons:
- It is an American-style, private university offering an education that is personal, flexible, taught in English by an outstanding faculty educated at the world’s best universities.
- It is a liberal arts university believing in a broad-based interdisciplinary education, while emphasizing career preparation.
- It understands the value and the importance of diversity in the academic and living community.
Standards for Quality
AUBG is a unique institution accredited both in the United States through the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and in Bulgaria by the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation. Accreditation ensures that we maintain the highest standards and that our degrees are recognized worldwide.
American University in Bulgaria
Office of the President
1 Georgi Izmirliev Sq.
Blagoevgrad 2700
US Address:
American University in Bulgaria
10685-B Hazelhurst Dr. #30819
Houston, TX 77043
USA; Fax Number: (281) 754-4941
Dr. Margee Ensign
Tel: +359 73 888 306
Fax: +359 73 888 161
Dr. J.D. Mininger
Tel: +359 73 888 305
Fax: +359 73 888 161
Sabina Savova
Executive Assistant to the President